Sunday, August 9, 2015

Time To Be A Grown Up

Do you remember those times when you were a kid, and you played to be a grown up? You know, when you could be anything you wanted to like a doctor, an astronaut, or a singer.
Since I graduated from high school, I've always wondered what it would be like to have a job. Where would I work? Would I get along with my coworkers? Would I be any good? 
This summer, I decided to try something new and get a job. I sent resumes, went to interviews, and didn't get called back. For a moment, I started to believe it wasn't my time yet, but then something happened. I got a call for an interview, and, let me tell you something, it was the most serious interview I've ever been to. But it's also the best one I've ever had.
I had my very first week of work, and I'm still giggling about it. You would think I was nervous, but it wasn't the case. On the contrary, I was too excited and couldn't wait to start. I woke up on Monday and left for work as the happiest human being on the planet. I know it sounds crazy because you don't normally hear someone saying "I can't wait for Monday to come!"
I have my own desk with my own computer, and I just got my e-mail account for work use only. Pretty fancy, huh? I went to my first meeting, and I'm starting to be a part of the inside jokes at the office. It's weird, I must confess. I didn't expect to feel so comfortable right away. But it's definitely a good thing because it doesn't feel like work at all.

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