Thursday, December 31, 2015

5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Happy New Year!

There's a movie I really like, and maybe you've heard about it. It's called New Year's Eve. For the last four years, it's been a tradition of mine to watch that movie on the very last day of the year. There's this scene almost at the end, where the Time Square's ball is about to drop, but it gets stuck. Everyone get really upset, and the woman who's in charge takes the microphone and says this:

"And as you all can see, the ball has stopped half way to its perch. It's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the new year, to stop, and reflect on the year that has gone by, to remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken, the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures... or closed ourselves down to fear of getting hurt, because that's what new year's all about, getting another chance, a chance to forgive. To do better, to do more, to give more, to love more, and stop worrying about what if... and start embracing what will be. So when that ball drops at midnight, and it will drop, let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other, and not just tonight but all year long. 
-New Year's Eve movie

This quote is quite long, but it expresses everything I think about New Year's Eve. It's that moment when you think of the things you've achieved and the ones you haven't. It's that moment when you hope to do better next year. It's also the moment to have a chance to be closer to real happiness. 
The year 2015 has probably been the hardest I've had so far. I had many challenging moments, and I didn't know how to react on all of them. I made mistakes, but I also handled things the right way. 
I learned to be patient, to be more considerate, and to never give up. I'm in the process of learning to put myself first from time to time and to let myself be. 
In 2016, I want to continue having this attitude of trying new things all the time and change the routine. I hope I can be better at organising my time, so I can take advantage of it. I want to have more discipline, so I can be able to learn new things and make personal projects. I want to read more books, and I want to start to work out. And, last but not least, I want to ride my bike more often.
I don't want to be braggy, but I must confess this year I'm proud of myself because I achieved things I never thought I would. I hope 2016 is not as hard as 2015, but I do hope it brings me challenges. I'll have my last semester of university, so I'm sure it's going to be exciting and full of surprises. I sure can't wait to see what's coming. 
I hope you have a great New Year's celebration. I want to thank you for reading my posts. I also want to apologise for not writing as much as I wanted to or sharing projects as I said I would. I promise I'm working on that, and that's another resolution I have. I hope all your wishes and resolutions come true. Remember to thank people for what they've done for you this year and to remind them you love them. I'll meet you next year, my dear reader.

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