Tuesday, November 10, 2015

When The Ones Who Left Come Back

Today I want to talk to you about a special tradition called Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead). I’m Mexican, and I have to say it’s one of my favourite traditions in the whole wide world. Why? Well, I’m about to answer that, but, before I do so, I need to explain what the tradition is all about.
Día de Muertos is about making a tribute to our loved ones who passed away to celebrate their lives. According to the tradition, it’s the day the deceased visit the living ones. The main way to do celebrate this day is by making an offering with nine basic elements:
  • photos: in honour of your loved one
  • candles: to light the deceased’s path
  • cempasúchil flowers: to attract the souls
  • salt: symbol of purification
  • cut paper: symbol of air
  • water: for the everlasting thirst
  • calaveras: the acceptance of death
  • pan de muerto: represents the body
  • food and drinks: for your loved ones to enjoy just like they used to when they were alive.
These elements don’t need to have a specific order, you can put them wherever you want on the offering. The important thing here is to make them feel welcomed into your home. So, if your loved one used to be a fan of Coke and pizza, it’s totally ok to include them.
Other way to celebrate is going to the cemeteries and visit the deceased, put them some music, talk to them, and bring them flowers to color their grave. 

This is my favourite tradition because I love the idea of remembering and celebrating the deceased without feeling sad. It's all about making our loved ones feel welcomed when they come visit us. I know it sounds weird and maybe a bit creepy, but if you think about it, it's actually sweet.
This year I decided to make my very first offering, and you might be wondering why is it my first. Well, the thing is I never had someone to make the offering to. But at the beginning of 2015, my wonderful grandma passed away. So, I couldn't just pass this opportunity of feeling closer to her for one night.
I have to say I loved making the offering because it meant something. And I don't know how to actually explain this, but let me tell you something. It's true that the deceased come and visit you that night. I dreamt that my grandma was holding me in her arms, and I couldn't believe it was just dream because of how real it felt! It was one of the most surreal experiences I've ever had in my life, and I totally recommend you to try it someday.

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